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From a WB Press Release (5/16/00)
In a major announcement, The WB will air all original episodes of
FELICITY and JACK & JILL in the Wednesday night 9:00 p.m. ET
slot this season. The plan is for FELICITY to air an 11-episode
arc for 11 consecutive weeks running through December. In
January, the network will replace FELICITY with JACK & JILL
for 13
original episodes. In early April, FELICITY will come back for
11 original episode story arc, running through May sweeps. This
give The WB viewers 35 consecutive weeks of original programming
following DAWSON'S CREEK, a show recently regaining the
momentum of its first season in quality and ratings performance.
DAWSON'S CREEK will compete in the 8:00 p.m. ET time slot for the
third consecutive year. This fall, the show will benefit from the
retirement of “Beverly Hills, 90210,” its chief rival
for The WB’s
coveted 12-34 female audience.
“One of the most exciting things about our schedule this
season is
our plan for FELICITY and JACK & JILL,” said Ms.
Daniels. “These are
two very smart, well-executed series that work much better when
you don’t break their story arcs with repeats. We believe
this will
enable both programs to reach their ratings potential on a night
when viewers of the former Fox dramas are now available.
these shows boast two of the best casts on television including
Golden Globe winner Keri Russell, Scott Speedman and Scott Foley,
and on JACK & JILL, perhaps the hottest young actress in the
business, Amanda Peet, and Ivan Sergei.”
Thanks to Melody for passing this on.