Quotes from The Break-Up Kit

Elena: The hardest part about breaking up isn't breaking up, it's living with it.

Meghan: You are so close-minded.
Sean: AKA normal.

Felicity: I think Ben and I just broke up.

Felicity: You're trying to cheer me up.
Noel: Yeah, well, someone has to.

Noel: Look, are you... are you prepared? I mean, in case... in the off chance that... that things don't go well?
Felicity: No.
Noel: But you're going up there anyway.
Felicity: Yeah.
Noel: Good luck.
Felicity: Thank you.

Meghan: When Felicity and first me we were not friends, we were roommates. And I didn't even like her. I thought she was just some loser, prissy, navel-gazing, self-centered, whiny, overly-introspective little freak.

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