Todd Mulcahy Lists

Note: These lists are intended to be time capsules, circa 1999, of a certain curly haired freshperson rekindling her collegiate sense of wonder. They are not in any way associated with Malomars, Dead Poets Society, stalkers, chicken, or public transit.

"Do you think I've lost a childlike sense of wonder?" -Felicity
"Kiss me, I'm dying." -Todd
"This movie is so good." -Felicity
"Why is Dead Poets Society in here?" -Noel
"I want that chicken recipe." -Julie

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Top five things I learned from Todd Mulcahy

5) Todd Mulcahy makes really good chicken
4) Felicity used to have a childlike sense of wonder
3) Noel is sensitive
2) Ben is afraid of hat hair
1) Hand modeling exists, at least on TV

Top Five Things Todd Was Probably Thinking when he got hit by that bus

5) "We will kiss"
4) Now I can't make that chicken anymore
3) Maybe I jumped in a little too quick
2) Where's my bag?
1) Dude! Skateboarding was never this fun!

Top five reasons for drinking a mocha made by Javier, instead of Ben

1) He never drinks coffee
2) He knows what it's like to be a knob
3) He treats the machine with respect
4) He values brutal honesty
5) He eats arugala

Top 5 reasons NOEL can be annoying

4) Takes fraternizing with Felicity way too seriously
3) Goes to Ben for advice
2) The "I wanna suck face with Felicity" look
1) "I get LIKE THIS"

Top 5 Things Sean Should Invent for the millenium

5) The Wind-Up-Edible-Naked-Guy-That-Watches-Porno-on-the-37-Inch
4) The Add-Water-and-Watch-'em-Grow-Mutant-Chia-Barbie
3) The Quick-Shave-Disposable-Razor-in-a-Toothbrush (bandaids not included)
2) The Next-Generation-Milkless-Cracker
1) A toy rat named Binky

Top 6 Things that are probably in Meghan's Box

6) Cold underwear.
5) Noserings.
4) Strands of Felicity's hair.
3) A really old graham cracker.
2) The remains of Story Zimmer.
1) Hush puppies.

Top 5 Reasons Felicity should be an artist instead of a doctor

5) So she can sketch AND get college credit for it
4) Has an excuse to see Ben nekked
3) Gets to hang out with Simon Rex
2) Unlimited chalk supply
1) So they can do a Dawson's Creek crossover with Joey Potter playing her arch nemesis in the art world

Top 5 things we'll never hear Sally tell Felicity

5) "Get a life"
4) "Get a clue"
3) "I really cannot relate to what you're saying"
2) "I'm over that dead guy"
1) "I'm moving to the Big Apple"

Top 5 reasons Richard should major in Home Economics

5) Makes cool blender noises (Whirrr!)
4) Likes barbecuing and drilling things
3) Knows how to make a satellite support iron
2) Got that Martha Stewart entrepreneurial spirit thing going
1) Knows a good hand when he sees one

Top 5 reasons Elena should be a Power Ranger on the side

5) Enjoys kicking people's asses.
4) Mean right hook.
3) Obsessed with stopwatches.
2) Good at fighting off evil bald men.
1) Julie too distracted by the search for her birth mom to focus on her Zord

Top 5 Reasons Meghan should be a Nursing Student if she isn't one already (I think she is!)

5) Likes bones & needles
4) Hides skulls in her closet
3) Ingests herbs and roots for fun
2) Familiar with infectious diseases
1) Would have unlimited access to refrigeration

Top 5 Titles for a Felicity-Buffy crossover

5) Boggled into the Netherworld
4) My Birth Mother Is A Vampire
3) Stalked Into Oblivion
2) Gimme a Garlic!
1) Fraternizing With The Enemy

Second Disclaimer: This page is not associated in any way with Matt Reeves, J.J. Abrams, Ron Howard, Felicity, Ben, or Ben's clothes. All comments and recipes for poultry should be sent to me.